Reducing our Footprint for 2023
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A Fresh Look for 2023!

Dear reader,
The World of Chinese magazine is constantly evolving. In an increasingly online world, we want to continue improving the digital version of our magazine, while still remaining committed to what makes us special: our print publication.
As such, in 2023 we are reducing the number of issues of our print magazine from 6 to 4 copies per year. Making this change will allow us to provide bigger issues with the same in-depth, human-centered stories we’ve always cherished. It will also allow us to produce our magazine with 100% recycled paper in an effort to reduce our carbon footprint and protect the environment.
Although the number of copies we print will be reduced per issue, the amount of great content you read will stay the same. Our print magazine will offer more pages per issue, plus an eye-catching new design with unique illustrations and extraordinary photography to better highlight our signature reporting. We will continue to bring you high-quality multimedia stories about contemporary China, its people, culture, language, and history.
With these change, we want to modernize our work to bring you, our readers, the best experience delivered in an environmentally responsible way. We hope you will enjoy TWOC in this new format, and continue to have an exceptional experience reading digitally and online.
Finally, we want you to benefit from our full range of content. So when you subscribe to the print version of The World of Chinese, you will also gain access to the digital version for free. The digital subscription will be available both on our website and via our app, giving you access to all our written articles and photography as well as original video, podcast, and multimedia content.
Thank you for your ongoing support as we strive to bring you the best human-centered China stories every day.
The TWOC Team
We have a one-time special offer for you
To celebrate our new magazine format, we are offering 30% OFF on our one-year subscription package.
You can chose the “Full Subscription” bundle including both paper and digital access, or digital subscription only: the choice is yours!
Here’s what you’ll get with a subscription:
An ad-free experience on our website
100% recycled paper magazine, 4 issues per year (print subscription only)
Full access to all videos, articles, and podcasts on our website
Free access to our app in both Google Play Store and the Apple Store
Downloadable digital version of the magazine on the app
Exclusive first access to our latest documentaries
Simply chose below how you want to experience The World of Chinese!
Offer expires March 15, 2023
Full Subscription

30% OFF
One-Year Full Subscription
(includes digital access & app)
US $119.00 Reg.
Digital Only

30% OFF
One-year Digital Subscription
(includes app access)
US $19.99 Reg.
Use promo code TWOC2023 to redeem your discount.
Read it on the app

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